Sunday, July 11, 2010

Michael Scofield - My Hero

Michael Scofield - a creative genius , one of the most intelligent, cool, sensible and the best human being I have ever seen on television. Sometimes I wonder why I dont find such characters in the real life and why is it restricted to the reel life only ? At the same time I would like to ask all why is it not possible in the real life ?

According to the story, Michael has been clinically diagnosed with low latent inhibition, a condition in which his brain is more open to incoming stimuli in the surrounding environment. As a result of this condition he is unable to block out peripheral information and instead processes every aspect and detail of any given stimulus. This, combined with a high IQ, as a psychiatrist explains in the episode "Tweener", theoretically makes him a creative genius. His intelligence is well noticed even by his enemies with Mahone during season 2 making various comments about Michael's intelligence even holding a certain admiration to him as told in the episode "Otis" In "The Art of the Deal" after successfully breaking out of 2 prisons (Fox River & Sona) he is even offered a place in The Company.

As a result of being unable to block out other people's suffering, he is extremely empathetic and altruistic towards other people's emotions; he is more concerned with other people's welfare than his own. However, Michael often is outwardly taciturn and stoic, rarely allowing the dangerous element he's frequently surrounded by to penetrate his thoughts.

Scofield has a very strong moral sense and is cool and reasonable. He knows that if he or his allies turn to kill rather than subdue their enemies, they will gradually lose themselves and eventually everything. Brad Bellick, Theodore "T-bag" Bagwell, Alexander Mahone, James Whistler and overall Gretchen Morgan, all people with much blood on their hands are only alive or survived as long as they did because Michael spared them.

Michael Scofield is now one of the ideal persons I would like to follow in my life. Hats off to Michael Scofield.Justify Full

1 comment:

  1. Nice article.. Have been thinking about Michael Scofield as an ideal hero myself. Was fun to read a blog entry about it.


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